K6VHF/rover Shack

During VHF/UHF and Microwave contests K6VHF most of the time operates as rover station. His rover station contains following equipment: IC-9700 (2m,70cm,23cm) IC-7300 (6m and 10m for transverters) IC-705 (used for transverters) Q5 Signal 5 band transverter FT-857D (backup rig HF+VHF/UHF) TM-D710 (APRS+FM) IC-37A (223MHz FM) DJ-G29 (220/900MHz FM) Kunhe 2304 MHz transverter + 30watts […]

Making Crossed Polarized Yagi

As all you know for successful communication via Amateur radio satellites the antenna system should have both polarization capability. That’s for very simple reason – Faraday effect. Faraday effect is a rotation of the plane of polarization of electromagnetic waves in certain substances in a magnetic field. So for all moving and rotating objects that […]

New Q5 Signal 5 Band Transverter

Recently I’ve purchased 5 band transverter from Q5 Signal, LLC. It’s so convenient to have for VHF/UHF contesting/rovering. It covers most of band that you need. No additional radios other than simple 28MHz transceiver required. In my case I use Icom IC-705. More info regarding Q5 transverter can be found http://q5signal.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=99 Alex K6VHF

K6VHF Soft

EFFECTIVE ISOTROPIC RADIATED POWER CALCULATOR ERPC v.1.02 Very easy to use. Enter RF power, known antenna gain and approximate total cable losses. Click on “Calculate”. The ERP and EIRP results would be on right side. The difference is just reference to isotropic antenna or dipole. Also you’ll be able to convert dBd to dBi. Download ERPC v.1.02 BIAS […]