Lately I was extremely busy at work and home. It’s hard to find right amount time to enjoy amateur radio especially when have two kinds. But I always trying to participate in any contests only for fun, not for results. I love competition but at this time is impossible plus I live in HOA with stealth antennas in my backyard. In fact this is not stopping me to enjoy the bands.
I love CQ WW contests and participate every year regardless of mode of operation CW, SSB or RTTY. My current setup is following:
- Icom IC-7300
- SPE Expert 1.3K-FA
- HEX Beam 20m-10m
- Butternut HF6V 80m-10m
Nothing special but allows me working efficiently on each band except 160m due to lack of space. I’ve made almost 300 QSOs on 4 bands with total of 4-5 hours of operation with raw scores of 151,104.