Winter VHF Sprint Contest

************************************ Winter VHF Sprint Sponsored by the Rochester VHF Group ************************************ 0 Purpose: Contact as many stations on as many VHF (30-300 MHz) bands as possible within a ONE HOUR period. I didn’t plan to participate in the Winter sprint contest since there was another major ARRL Roundup RTTY contest going on same day. […]

Western Samoan Adventure (5W0NA)

On September 28th I arrived to Apia, Western Samoa which is located in south Pacific. It’s very beautiful place and I can compare it to Hawaii. I was a member of ZK3A DX expedition to Tokelau and Apia was our meeting place for all members before departure to Tokelau islands. The total flight time from […]

2m Band Crosses Polarized Yagi

Previously I’ve posted article about crossed polarized yagi for 435MHz made from two single yagi antennas. It was a budget version of antenna for satellite communications. I also described how to connect two antennas and combine into one cable. This time I modified 145MHz antenna in same way. That allowed me to increase gain and […]

ARRL DX 10M Contest

This was the first contest using IC-705 transceiver. I had a blast working QRP from new IC-705. Propagation was not good but I managed to make 70 QSOs only in CW. For SSB working QRP without propagation is no pleasure. My contest setup was:1) Icom IC-7052) HEX Beam antenna (2el for 10m) This is scores: […]

CQ WW CW 2020

Lately I was extremely busy at work and home. It’s hard to find right amount time to enjoy amateur radio especially when have two kinds. But I always trying to participate in any contests only for fun, not for results. I love competition but at this time is impossible plus I live in HOA with […]