CQ WW 160m CW Contest 2021
Here are the results for CQ WW 160m CW contest from 2021:
Microwave Activity Day, 02/05/2022
Saturday, February 5th was decided to be a Microwave Activity Day here in Arizona. Thanks to Barry VE4MA/K7 for organizing and getting people together. I decided to participate for first time. I’ve been working on microwave bands for few years and mainly as a rover station during ARRL VHF contest. For this day I decided […]
Winter VHF Sprint Contest
************************************ Winter VHF Sprint Sponsored by the Rochester VHF Group RVHFG.org ************************************ 0 Purpose: Contact as many stations on as many VHF (30-300 MHz) bands as possible within a ONE HOUR period. I didn’t plan to participate in the Winter sprint contest since there was another major ARRL Roundup RTTY contest going on same day. […]
160m QRV from HOA
Hello. Finally I was able to operate on 160m band from my small lot in HOA community. I already had all bands coverage, but 160m was a bit challenge. Now it’s a the good season for 160m band DXing and FT8 mode gives a lot of opportunities for it. Most of activities on low bands […]
Western Samoan Adventure (5W0NA)
On September 28th I arrived to Apia, Western Samoa which is located in south Pacific. It’s very beautiful place and I can compare it to Hawaii. I was a member of ZK3A DX expedition to Tokelau and Apia was our meeting place for all members before departure to Tokelau islands. The total flight time from […]
Updated satellite antenna system
I’ve made some changes on my satellite antenna system. Re-arranged the antennas and added grid reflector for 1.7GHz/2.4GHz patch. Will be used for downlink only for NOAA and other LEO satellites. Later I will also add LNA for 2m and 70cm band for better reception.
2m Band Crosses Polarized Yagi
Previously I’ve posted article about crossed polarized yagi for 435MHz made from two single yagi antennas. It was a budget version of antenna for satellite communications. I also described how to connect two antennas and combine into one cable. This time I modified 145MHz antenna in same way. That allowed me to increase gain and […]
Received my own MSK144 signal
Today when I was calling CQ on 6m band using MSK144 modulation I’ve received my own signal reflected from something (airplane, meteors). The signal was received right after I finished transmitting within a second. It was interesting because I never seen or experienced this before. Been using MSK144 for more than a decade. Could be […]
Meteor Scatter(MS) Activity – Updated 01/03/2021
I’ve made my first MS QSO(144MHz) on November, 17th, 2009 at 08:02 UTC while I was 4L1FP. It was first historical MS QSO from Georgia (4L) to Romania YO4GJH. Nobody ever tried Meteor Scatter from Republic of Georgia. At that time my setup was: TRX – TS-2000 (100W), ANT – 5 el Yagi (homebrew) More […]
ARRL DX 10M Contest
This was the first contest using IC-705 transceiver. I had a blast working QRP from new IC-705. Propagation was not good but I managed to make 70 QSOs only in CW. For SSB working QRP without propagation is no pleasure. My contest setup was:1) Icom IC-7052) HEX Beam antenna (2el for 10m) This is scores: […]
Adding 60m band to HF6V
Many of us use Butternut HF6V antenna on HF bands. It’s very good antenna for small places and allows to operate on 80m to 10m bands however 60m band isn’t not included. With FT8 mode running around the globe 60m band become very popular and propagation is very unique on that band. The power on […]
CQ WW CW 2020
Lately I was extremely busy at work and home. It’s hard to find right amount time to enjoy amateur radio especially when have two kinds. But I always trying to participate in any contests only for fun, not for results. I love competition but at this time is impossible plus I live in HOA with […]
Q5 Transverter – Test Results
I decided to test Q5 five band transverter prior installing into my rover setup. The interesting part was to measure real output RF power on each of 5 bands. Following test setup was used: Mini-Circuit USB Power sensor 150 Watts 50 Ohm load Icom IC-705 To be honest I was impressed with the results. I […]
Testing IC-705 from the desert
I want to check out how my new IC-705 works from the field. I drove up north close to Grand canyon where my land. It’s about 3 hours drive north from Phoenix. Land lot is 2 acres and just 15 minutes away from the south entrance to the park. There is a good elevation of […]