Antenna Stacking Distance Calculator(ASC)

Want to release to public my recent program that I wrote for myself. It’s an Antenna Stacking Distance Calculator (ASC) and the current version is 1.05. You can download the program from this page or from “K6VHF Soft”.
Very easy and simple to use but I recommend to read some information before use. The ASC can help you to calculate the staking distance for your antenna stack arrays and can be used only for antennas with boom length at least 2 wavelength. Only one thing that you have to know is the -3 dB beam width of antenna that you want to use in the stack. You can find it in description of antenna (manual) or by looking at the diagram plane.
The ideal is to know -3 dB BW for both plane which is E-plane and H-plane and it depends on type of antenna stack array.

ASC v1.05
ASC v1.05

Download – ASCv1.05

So please read this before use the program:

This program help you to calculate the distance between antennas in stack array systems. It's very important to know the correct distance to have a good antenna stack array system with good performance.
Stacking two indentical antennas can result 2.5 - 2.9 dB increase of forward gain but if it done correctly.

The DL6WU formula for long yagis:

D = W/(2*(sin B/2))

Where is:
D – stacking distance in meters
W – wavelength in meters
B – beamwidth in -3 dB points

All that you need to know is a frequency beamwidth in -3 dB points for each plane of the the main lobby of single antenna.

E-plane is Azimuth (horizontal)
H-plane is Elevation (vertical)
The H-plane stacking distance is 88-92% of
E-plane distance.

Use this program to calculate the stacking distance only for the similar antennas with same band and with boom length at least twowavelengths, another words for the long yagis.
For example:
– two 18 elements yagi 432 MHz or
– four 10 elements yagi 144 MHz or
– two 22 elements yagi 1296 MHz

Alex K6VHF

2 thoughts on “Antenna Stacking Distance Calculator(ASC)

  1. I’m erecting a 55′ tower and I want to place a 6M beam above a 10-15-20 meter tri-band beam without interfering with each other’s performance. I don’t want an array effect for either. I just want to take advantage of the tower height with a single, rotatable mast on top. Is there a recommended minimum vertical separation between dis-similar horizontal beam antennas?

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